Northwich Folk Club's Green page!

Got something to say?  This page is for opinions, comments, recommendations, or simply rabbitting on...  At the club, we have The Green Book, here it's a green page.
e-mail us and ask to be included on the Green Page if you've got anything you want to say...

One of the current issues is the debate on how we stage Singers' Nights.  Do we set the room out in rows or do we arrange the seating in a circle?  There have been views expressed favouring both.  Do you have a view?  If so, let us know.  For the time being the committee have agreed that it is up to the host for any particular night to decide, but that neither format should be either encouraged or discouraged.

We occasionally advertise Singers' Nights with a theme, for example we might suggest a war theme or a romantic mood, and sometimes we have nights where we want to encourage groups of people to get together - or for performers to choose to sing something that includes others. Any other ideas? We're open to suggestions.

As always, please let us know your feelings on these (and any other) issues, either by e-mail, writing in the Green Book, or contacting the committee directly.